Apple unveiled two new television ads Monday that flaunt the iPhone 5's new features. One 30-second spot, called "Brilliant," demonstrates how users can pay for Starbucks items using Passbook, an iOS app that stores all types of tickets (e.g. boarding passes, hotel confirmations, film stubs, vouchers, loyalty cars) without having to print them. Passbook support for Starbucks became available in early October. The ad also features the MyScript Calculator app, which lets users sketch out any math problem, and Philips Hue, a web-enabled LED home-lighting system sold exclusively in Apple stores. "Discover," Apple's other spot (below), highlights the iPhone's shopping functions and musical capabilities. Apple's Maps also makes a brief appearance in it.
Last month, Apple launched similar ads for its iPad and iPad mini.
What do you think of these latest iPhone 5 ads? Tell us in the comments, below.
Screenshot image courtesy of Apple via YouTube