Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Apple and Amazon Lay Foundations for "Used" Digital Goods Stores

Apple has filed a patent application for transferring "used" digital goods like MP3s, e-books and apps from one user to another, similar to a patent for a "secondary market for digital objects" awarded to Amazon just last month. The filing indicates that Apple may be thinking about setting up its own marketplace or lending library for the transfer of user-owned digital content — one that original content creators and owners could get behind.
Both patents describe systems where a user could transfer a piece of digital content (i.e., an e-book or film) to another user in exchange for payment (or perhaps another item), not unlike Amazon's third-party marketplace for used physical goods. There are two big differences between Apple's and Amazon's systems. Apple proposes that an (unspecified) portion of the proceeds from the sale of a piece of digital content go to the original creator or publisher of the content, ensuring that the original owner can still generate revenue beyond the initial release period. Amazon suggests limiting the total number of times an item can be transferred, or resold. In theory, that could prevent the secondary market from becoming overrun with far cheaper copies, thus devaluing the original.
That's one of the problems with Amazon's used books marketplace: With so many books listed for a mere $0.01 (plus the cost of shipping), shoppers have little incentive to pay $10 or $12 for the original thing. With e-books, the price of used goods could come down even more quickly: It's not difficult to imagine a scenario in which $0.01 used copies of a bestselling e-book flooded the marketplace just a week after it was published. And unlike a regular book, which may have some wear and tear, a used e-book would be every bit as good as a new copy.
Here's the abstract of Amazon's patent, in full:
An electronic marketplace for used digital objects is disclosed. Digital objects including e-books, audio, video, computer applications, etc., purchased from an original vendor by a user are stored in a user's personalized data store. Content in a personalized data store may be accessible to the user via transfer such as moving, streaming, or download. When the user no longer desires to retain the right to access the now-used digital content, the user may move the used digital content to another user's personalized data store when permissible and the used digital content is deleted from the originating user's personalized data store. When a digital object exceeds a threshold number of moves or downloads, the ability to move may be deemed impermissible and suspended or terminated. Additionally or alternatively, a collection of objects may be assembled from individual digital objects stored in the personalized data stores of different users, and moved to a user's personalized data store.
And Apple's:
Techniques are provided for managing access to a digital content item (such as an ebook, music, movie, software application) to be transferred from one user to another. The transferor is prevented from accessing the digital content item after the transfer occurs. The entity that sold the digital content item to the transferor enforces the access rights to the digital content item by storing data that establishes which user currently has access to the digital content item. After the change in access rights, only the transferee is allowed access to the digital content item. As part of the change in access rights, the transferee may pay to obtain access to the digital content item. A portion of the proceeds of the "resale" may be paid to the creator or publisher of the digital content item and/or the entity that originally sold the digital content item to the original owner.
Content creators and publishers might not be a fan of either system if it ends up cutting into full-price sales, but they may not have a choice. In 1908, the "first-sale doctrine" was established after a publisher attempted to sue Macy's for selling a copy of a $1 novel for $0.89.The Supreme Court ruled that a copyright owner could not control what happened to an item (i.e., whether it was lent or resold) beyond the initial sale, a ruling that has ensured the proliferation of used book stores and lending libraries in the years since.
Whether that same protection applies to digital goods has yet to be confirmed, but it could be soon. In New York, Capitol Records (EMI) is currently suing ReDigi, a two-year-old marketplace that allows users to sell legally purchased iTunes songs in exchange for credit to buy other iTunes songs. Capitol claims ReDigi has infringed its rights by allowing unauthorized copying of music files it owns. ReDigi says the files are being transferred, not copied, and its actions are thus protected by the first-sale doctrine.
By filing the aforementioned patents, Apple and Amazon are hedging their bets, laying the groundwork for marketplaces that would allow them to profit from the resale and transfer of digital goods. That's great for them, and it promises to be great for consumers, at least in the short term. But unless these marketplaces allow original content creators to benefit from the resale of their goods — as Apple indicates it plans to do — reduced earnings prospects could "seriously reduce creators’ incentive to create," Bill Rosenblatt, president of technology consulting firm GiantSteps, observed to the New York Times. And that could be bad for everybody.

Image courtesy of Apple